Traditional BSN students are directly admitted directly to the School of Nursing as first-year or as transfer students. Direct admission to the School of Nursing requires the following:
First-Year Student BSN (Direct Admission) Requirements:
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In place of ACT reading or SAT EBRW (Evidence-Based Reading & Writing) score: At the discretion of the Director of the School of Nursing, a standardized reading comprehension test (Nelson Denny Reading Test) demonstrating reading comprehension at the college-ready level may be accepted.
Transfer Student BSN (Direct Admission) Requirements:
- 3.0 Cumulative GPA
- C- or better in prerequisite courses. May have only repeat one pre-requisite course and repeat it only once (F/W/R).
- PS130
- PS240
- CH203/205 (note – have pre-requisite of CH114)
- BI206
- BI207
- BI230
Μύ Μύ Μύ Note – may co-enroll in fourth science during first semester of nursing courses (i.e.Μύ BI207 or CH203/205)
- Demonstration of reading comprehension at college-ready level via standardized testing or other means as determined by the School of Nursing.
Each student admitted to the nursing major is guaranteed a space in the major as long as the student makes scheduled academic progress as defined below.
To enroll in the first nursing courses NU 202 and NU203, the student must:
- Maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.50;
- Earn a grade of C- or better in all courses required for the major;
- Have earned a grade of C- or better in at least 3 out of 4 of the following science prerequisites (CH 203/205, BI 206, BI 207, BI 230);
- Be co-enrolled or previously earned a C- or better in the 4th science pre-requisite course;
- Meet health standards required by the School of Nursing and affiliating agencies;
- Display appropriate professional behavior.
To continue to the junior and senior year in nursing, the student must:
- Maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.50;
- Maintain a Nursing GPA of at least 2.0;
- Earn a grade of C- or better in all courses required for the major;
- Have earned a grade of C- or better in all courses required for the major CH 203/205, BI 206, BI 207, BI 230, PS 130, PS 240 (or NU 250), and PS 201 (or MA 130);
- Meet health standards required by the School of Nursing and affiliating agencies;
- Display appropriate professional behavior; and
- Progress in a timely manner