Theatre Concentration Courses
TH 131. Play Analysis (3)
Through the study of selected works, students learn techniques for analyzing play structure in a manner vital for performing artists, directors, and designers. Plays shall be selected from a variety of periods in theatrical history. The genres of tragedy and comedy and various stylistic approaches to interpreting theatrical works will be closely studied. Pre-requisites: Theatre majors or minors only, or consent of instructor.
TH 141. Acting 1 (3)
A study in basic concepts of acting developing the integration of the actor’s mind and body through a variety of exercises with emphasis on professional preparation, the collaborative experience, and the development of the imagination. Majors and minors only.
TH102. Intro to Tech (3)
Through class lectures and hand-on participation, this course is designed to give the student an overview of the theories, practices and techniques involved in scenery and costume construction, stage lighting, theatrical sound and stage management. Hands-on learning and work on university production are required to reinforce skills and to promote collaborative efforts. Lab Fee.
TH135. Elements and Principles of Design (3)
This course is intended to introduce the student to basic design principles and explores the elements of design through a variety of abstract and conceptual projects that incorporate 2-D,3-D and Kinetic design. An emphasis on presentation and communication of ideas will be a focus of this class.
TH151. Fundamentals of Lighting (3)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic knowledge and practice of stage lighting techniques in both technical and artistic projects, and to USITT national standards in stage lighting technology and design. The student will develop hands-on skills in the area of stage electrics with an emphasis on industry-wide safety standards for stage electricians. Course fee.
TH152. Costume Construction (3)
This course introduces students to the materials, tools, machinery and techniques required to construct a costume for the theatre, and apply their knowledge to the construction of a garment from a pattern to finish work. Students will also learn the roles and hierarchy of a working professional costume shop. Course fee.
TH154. Scenic Construction (3)
This class serves as an introduction to theatrical scenery construction. Through class lectures and hand-on participation. It is designed to give the student a detailed overview of the theories, practices and techniques involved in safely building, rigging, installing, operating and striking theatrical scenery. Course fee.